International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016): Int J Mag Part Imag
Studies on the Optimization of Efficient Selection and Focus Field Coil Configurations
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Copyright (c) 2016 Julia Mrongowius

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Magnetic Particle Imaging is an imaging modality that detects the distribution of magnetic tracer material. By use of oscillating magnetic fields, a tracer signal can be generated in a defined field of view (FOV). In order to specify the region, where a signal can be detected, a selection field can be used that features a field free point (FFP). Due to technical and medical limitations, the FOV that can be covered by such an FFP is very limited. However, an enlargement of the FOV is possible by use of focus fields. Instead of using separate electromagnetic coils to generate the selection and the focus field, a combined coil assembly that generates both fields can be used. Such a coil configuration, combining the features of a classical Maxwell coil setup and a single-sided coil arrangement, allows for a very power efficient way to generate these magnetic fields. In this work, different studies are carried out to optimize such a combined coil assembly with respect to the electrical power loss.