International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 6 No. 2 Suppl 1 (2020): Int J Mag Part Imag
Simulations of magnetic particles with arbitrary anisotropies
Main Article Content
To simulate the behavior of realistic magnetic particles in magnetic particle imaging it is not enough to perform simulations assuming only a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy due to the complex coupling between the magnetic and the mechanic degrees of freedom of the particle in multidimensional excitation fields. Most particles can only be approximated of having uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy. As such, this work will discuss the shortcoming of currently used models focusing on only uniaxial anisotropy and show how a theoretical model must be defined to allow for arbitrary anisotropy energies. First simulation results showing the differences between different anisotropy energies will be presented at the workshop.
Int. J. Mag. Part. Imag. 6(2), Suppl. 1, 2020, Article ID: 2009032, DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2020.2009032