International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 6 No. 2 Suppl 1 (2020): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

Selection field generation for an open aperture field free line magnetic particle imaging scanner

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Can Barış Top (ASELSAN A.Ş.)


We present the design and measurement results for the selection field generation of an open scanner configuration for field free line (FFL) magnetic particle imaging. The FFL can be rotated electronically using the designed coils.  The selection of the imaging plane is possible by asymmetrical excitation of the upper and lower coil groups. The gradient of the magnetic field is orthogonal to its gradient, allowing 2D scan using a single drive coil channel. The mechanical housing of the coils are manually adjustable to provide the highest gradient level for the imaged object size.  In the current configuration, a magnetic field gradient between 0.5 T/m - 0.74 T/m can be generated in a 60 mm diameter field of view. 


Int. J. Mag. Part. Imag. 6(2), Suppl. 1, 2020, Article ID: 2009016, DOI: 10.18416/IJMPI.2020.2009016

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