International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 8 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2022): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

Vicinity Effects of Field Free Point on the Relaxation Behavior of MNPs

Main Article Content

Atakan Topcu (Bilkent University), Asli Alpman (Bilkent University), Mustafa Utkur (Bilkent University), Emine Ulku Saritas (Bilkent University)


In Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI), the distribution of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) is imaged by moving a field free point (FFP) in space. All MNPs in close vicinity of the FFP contribute to the signal induced on the receive coil. The relaxation behavior of these MNPs are subject to a DC field due to the selection field (SF). In this work, we investigate the effects of the DC field on the relaxation behavior of the MNPs, with the goal of understanding the differences between the measured relaxations in Magnetic Particle Spectrometer (MPS) setups vs. MPI scanners.

Article Details


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