International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 8 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2022): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

Multiparametric rotational drift spectroscopy

Main Article Content

Martin Rückert (University of Würzburg), Patrick Vogel (University of Würzburg), Thomas Kampf (University of Würzburg, University Hospital Würzburg), Volker Behr (University of Würzburg)


Rotational Drift Spectroscopy (RDS) is a novel spectroscopic method for magnetic nanoparticles. It is based on measuring the rotational drift of magnetic nanoparticle ensembles in a rotating magnetic field, which is below the magnetic field strength necessary for rotating the magnetic nanoparticles synchronously. The resulting asynchronous rotational drift strongly depends on the properties of the magnetic nanoparticles and their environment. This provides a promising basis for spectroscopic measurements with high sensitivity as well as high specificity, e.g., detecting specific molecules in a liquid via functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. In this work, multiparametric Rotational Drift Spectroscopy (mRDS) is presented, which makes use of the nonlinear dependency of the RDS signal of, e.g., the sequence amplitude and the viscosity of the suspending liquid of the magnetic particle sample. This allows access to a variety of parameters of magnetic nanoparticle suspensions.

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