International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 8 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2022): Int J Mag Part Imag
Flexible Software for Rigorous Simulations of Magnetic Particle Imaging Systems
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Copyright (c) 2022 Klaus Natorf Quelhas, Mark-Alexander Henn, Thinh Q. Bui, Hunter R. Wages, Weston L. Tew, Solomon I. Woods

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Modeling of Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) systems allows for developing and testing novel methods for image reconstruction and simulating various setups without the need of real-life measurement data. Here we describe the the initial development of a C++ simulation software designed to provide more realistic MPI simulation data, by accounting for effects like non-linear gradient fields, non-uniform drive fields, space-dependent coil sensitivity, temperature gradients and particle relaxation, as well as the results of the comparison of the simulated signals against real-life Magnetic Particle Spectroscopy (MPS) measurements. In addition to MPI, the software is also suitable for simulating other applications, e.g. MPS, AC susceptibility and pulsed relaxometry measurements.
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