International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 8 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2022): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

Drive and receive coil design for a human-scale MPI system

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Eli Mattingly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Erica Mason (Massachusetts General Hospital), Monika Sliwiak (Massachusetts General Hospital), Lawrence L Wald (Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital)


Scaling MPI imaging hardware to image a human head presents challenges for the primary drive and receive coils. The larger imaging volume necessitates increased inductance, power delivery, and large physical sizes. Here, we present human-head scale drive and receive solenoid coils in a split gradiometer configuration designed for a mechanically-rotating field-free line MPI system. The design efficiency allows for 8mT drive fields (at ?26 kHz) from the water-cooled drive coil using an amplifier providing 21 A RMS and ?120 V RMS into the drive filter. The geometric decoupling between the drive and Rx coil of the gradiometer pair is -52 dB.

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