International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Int J Mag Part Imag

Research Articles

Real-time 3D Dynamic Rotating Slice-Scanning Mode for Traveling Wave MPI

Main Article Content

Patrick Vogel (University of Würzburg), Martin A. Rückert (University of Würzburg), Peter Klauer (University of Würzburg), Stefan Herz , Thomas Kampf (University of Würzburg), Thorsten Bley , Volker C. Behr (University of Würzburg)


Magnetic Particle Imaging is a tomographic imaging technique offering high sensitivity and temporal resolution and is a promising tool for pre-clinical applications. The state of the art Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging (TWMPI) scanners offer a mouse-sized FOV, which can be scanned at once. Since the first introduction of TWMPI, several sequences have been introduced to scan the FOV in 2D as well as 3D. So far, the proposed 3D sequences do not provide real-time capability, which is an important feature for future clinical applications such as guided vascular interventions. In this study a modified sequence for TWMPI scanners is presented, which allows scanning an entire 3D volume on a short time scale. Furthermore, for real-time capability a novel reconstruction method using an image-based approach is used providing a 3D visualization in real-time.

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