International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 10 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2024): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

Development of magnetic particle imaging modules using high-Tc superconducting coils

Main Article Content

Takashi Yoshida (Kyushu University), Yuta Kamei (Kyushu University), Yasushi TAKEMURA (Yokohama National University), Tatsuya Nagano (Kyushu University), Akinobu Ide (Kyushu University), Teruyoshi Sasayama (Kyushu University)


Magnetic particle imaging (MPI), in which harmonic magnetization signals from magnetic nanoparticles are detected to image diseased regions with high sensitivity, is attracting attention. In MPI, the spatial resolution of the image is mainly determined by the DC magnetic field gradient of the scanner, and MPI scanners only for small animal size were commercialized at the present stage. In this work, we developed magnetic particle imaging modules with 120 mm bore diameter using yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) high temperature superconducting (HTS) tape as a selection field coil. The gradient field of 0.63 T/m is realized with the developed YBCO HTS coil cooled with liquid nitrogen (LN). The power consumption and the mass of the HTS selection field coil could be reduced compared with a Cu coil and it indicates that utilizing a HTS selection field coil is one of the best options toward the realization of human-body-sized MPI scanner.

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