International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 11 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2025): Int J Mag Part Imag

Short Abstracts

The Simulation of a magnetic particle optical imaging system for biological tissues

Main Article Content

Min Du (School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China), Wenzhong Liu (China-Belt and Road Joint Laboratory On Measurement and Control Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China)


Biomedical imaging, as an emerging interdisciplinary field, is an essential tool that bridges basic biomedical research and clinical diagnosis and treatment. Traditional biological imaging methods face certain biocompatibility issues, while optical biological imaging techniques struggle to overcome challenges related to imaging depth. However, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), due to their non-toxicity and unique magnetic properties, have emerged as promising contrast agents for biological imaging. We propose a novel ultrafast optical imaging device based on MNPs, with the high power of the femtosecond laser, it is possible to image MNPs at greater depths within biological tissues under the influence of an external magnetic field. Simulation results validate the feasibility of this device. It can improve the effects of strong scattering and absorption in tissues, thereby enhancing the penetration of light into biological tissues, with the potential for further increasing imaging depth by varying the wavelength.

Article Details


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