International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 11 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2025): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

System function analysis of MPI with Field-Free Line and excitation coil configurations

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Masaomi Washino (1) Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Advanced Technology R&D Center; 2) Osaka University School of Engineering Graduate School of Engineering), Kota Nomura (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Advanced Technology R&D Center), Tetsuya Matsuda (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Advanced Technology R&D Center), Satoshi Seino (Osaka University School of Engineering Graduate School of Engineering), Takashi Nakagawa (Osaka University School of Engineering Graduate School of Engineering), Toshihiko Kiwa (Okayama University Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems)


Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) visualizes the distribution of magnetic particles using their nonlinear magnetization response. This study evaluated the impact of interference between the Field-Free Line (FFL) and alternating excitation field on system performance. The Coaxial Configuration suppressed interference and provided stable in-phase signals, while the Orthogonal Configuration produced anti-phase signals, reducing sensitivity. The Coaxial Configuration is suitable for wide-area measurements, whereas the Orthogonal Configuration offers high resolution but faces sensitivity challenges.

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