International Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging IJMPI
Vol. 11 No. 1 Suppl 1 (2025): Int J Mag Part Imag

Proceedings Articles

Modular Spherical Magnetic Field Sensor Array

Main Article Content

Jan-Philipp Scheel (Fraunhofer IMTE, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering, Lübeck, Germany; Institute of Medical Engineering, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany), Eric Aderhold (Fraunhofer IMTE, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering, Lübeck, Germany), Janne Hamann (Fraunhofer IMTE, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering, Lübeck, Germany), Mandy Ahlborg (Fraunhofer IMTE, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering, Lübeck, Germany), Matthias Graeser (Fraunhofer IMTE, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering, Lübeck, Germany; Chair of Measurement Technology, Universität Rostock, Rostock, Germany)


The characterization of magnetic field properties is an important task in magnetic imaging modalities.
Emerging multi-coil field generator topologies, generating the gradient field in magnetic particle imaging, pose new challenges.
If multiple coils are active, obtaining the current to field relation is not trivial, due to cross-coupling and cross-saturation effects.
Singular measurements at certain operating points are not sufficient for a full system description in these non-linear systems.
In this work, an adaptable measurement prototype which utilizes multiple magnetic field sensors is presented.
The developed device consists of three-axis Hall-sensor ICs located on a spherical surface.
Utilizing the solid spherical harmonic expansions the field inside the sphere can be approximated.
The combination of high measurement accuracy, straightforward measurement procedures, and modularity enables rapid and reliable measurements.

Article Details


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